Create your team group on Facebook
Creating groups on social media is a great way to get information to family and friends regarding Walk day details such as parking, time, meeting location, etc., as well as events you have planned!
Follow these steps to create a team group on Facebook.
1. Log into your Facebook account.
2. On the left hand of the screen click on the word “Groups.”
3. On the left hand of the screen click on the link “Create New Group.”
4. Enter Details.
a. Enter in group name. For example: “UMass Cancer Walk Team.”
b. Select Privacy: Option One: Public (anyone can see posts) or Option Two: Private (only members
can see posts).
c. Hide group: Option One: Public (anyone can search and find group) or Option Two: Hidden (only
members can find group).
Your team page is now created and ready to be customized!
5. Add a cover photo. On right side, click “Add a cover photo.”
6. Add a description about the group. On right side, click “Add description”
7. Invite your team members. Simply click on the “Invite members” link then click on an individual’s name (there will be a check box next to name to select). Once all the members have been selected, click on “Send invites” on the bottom right of screen.
8. Create your first team post!
a. Let’s create our first post to Save the Date for the 25th Annual UMass Cancer Walk—this way all the team embers can put it on their home calendars and join us for this special occasion!
b. Simply click on the “Create a post” link and add a post about the Walk date. For example: “Save the Date! The 25th Annual UMass Cancer Walk will be held at Polar Park on Sunday, Sept. 24, 2023. We hope to see you there! Keep an eye out for upcoming fundraising events and information regarding Walk day. Thank you for all your support!”
Still don’t know where to start or have any questions?
Contact a member of the UMass Fundraising Committee. They are more than happy to schedule a time to meet and chat!